Yumi pasin – yumi Ailan Kastom. Strong in culture, unified partnerships to achieve a sustainable future.
Economic Development Economic Development

The TSRA is the lead economic development ‘Solution Broker’ for the Torres Strait region.

Fisheries Fisheries

Enhances the region’s wealth by managing an economically and environmentally sustainable fishing industry.

Culture Art and Heritage Culture Art and Heritage

Works with communities to protect, promote revitalise and maintain Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal traditions and cultural heritage.

Regional Infrastructure Regional Infrastructure

Advocating for quality infrastructure for our region.

Environmental Management Environmental Management

Supports the sustainable management of islands and sea country in the Torres Strait.

Governance & Leadership Governance & Leadership

Supports positive and meaningful outcomes for our people in leadership, communication and governance.

Healthy Communities Healthy Communities

Supports initiatives that promote healthy lifestyles, home ownership and other specific housing initiatives.

Safe Communities Safe Communities

Influences policy and contributes to the development and monitoring of standards for the provision of community social services.

Gab Titui Cultural Centre Gab Titui Cultural Centre

The Gab Titui Cultural Centre is a contemporary art gallery and keeping place for cultural artefacts.

Climate Change & The Torres Strait Climate Change & The Torres Strait

Describes expected climate change impacts and adaptation responses in Torres Strait